What Path are You Taking

‼️When the Holy Spirit leads you to say or do something, how and will you do so in love? When and have your own assumptions needed to be challenged by God?
        God had provided everything His people needed. He gave them His Word to show them how to live and He promised to be with them, to guide them. Yet amazingly, like us today they wandered from this path. He warned them but they didn't feel they were doing anything wrong. They even proclaimed a false peace. They went their own way. He wanted them to realize that they were headed in the wrong direction.
        Like those of faith before us, we who follow Jesus share a message that contradicts popular opinion. Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Many today as in the days of old do not like that message because it seems harshly narrow. Too exclusive, people say. Yet Christ brings a comforting message that is inclusive. He welcomes everyone who turns to Him.
        He reminded them before us  like he reminds us of the importance of living according to "the old paths." and to realize that these paths would bring them rest. Nevertheless in-spite  of these promises, people resisted. Why? Because these paths were old. People are more interested in what is new and different. What is popular at the time.
         This same pattern still exists today. OUT WITH OLD IN WITH THE NEW! Many people believe that Christianity is old, irrelevant, and out of date. They want something new and different. Something modern.
They seek personal interest, and desire for pleasure without  any concern for purpose. They are willing to ignore God's eternal laws.             They choose the constantly shifting trends and fads of this world, the way they live, in their dress, language, and even morals. They refuse to recognize the true condition of their hearts, therefore proclaiming a false peace. The Bible reminds us that fashions will change. What is "new" today quickly will become "old." God's Word always is true. In every season. Regardless of world conditions. His Word is the key to receiving His blessings.
        You and I need to be sure that we do not resist God, or ignore His Word. Make his Word the standard for our lives. Trust Him. Obey Him. And believe Him for favor, protection, blessing, and rest for our souls. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (‭Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭1‬ KJV)

He is the same yesterday today and forever more!🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

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